
Exam success for Louis

Browne Craine & Co employee Louis Schwalbert has passed the International Advanced Certificate in Compliance with the International Compliance Association (“ICA”).

“I’d like to congratulate Louison passing the Advanced Certificate,” said Basil Bielich, director at Browne Craine. “The world of compliance is becoming ever more complex and it is vital that businesses like ours can navigate our clients through the changes they are likely to experience. Louis passing these exams is important for the whole firm as we need well qualified staff who understand the complexities of compliance so that our clients can operate as efficiently as possible. Louis worked hard to achieve this and we are all very proud, well done.”

The qualification, which aims to explain the regulatory framework, regulation in practice and key compliance issues such as Financial Crime and Money Laundering, was assessed on an assignment piece and an exam.

“I was really happy when I received my results,” said Louis. “It’s a nerve-wracking time waiting for them to arrive! I’d like to thank Browne Craine for supporting me through the Advanced Certificate and I’m looking forward to studying the International Diploma in Compliance in the near future.”

“It’s really important that we train our staff not only for the development of the firm but for their own personal development which allows our employees to grow,” continued Basil.“Most of our staff have been with Browne Craine for many years which shows the benefit of investing in our people.”